As amazing of an opportunity that the CBYX program is, it is not without it's sacrifices. The program is a scholarship program, yes, but it does not cover every single nickel and dime associated with traveling abroad (nor should it). The program generously covers basically every expense associated with the program with the exception of personal expenses associated with leisure activities and personal items such as souvenirs. daily transportation, clothes, mail to family, and the like. In order to afford to go, I had to sell my car (which I loved). I was never the person to dream of having a BMW or Mercedes. I always just wanted a Prius. Being a Biology major and an environmentalist, the Prius called to me with it's insanely high MPG like a sea siren to a ship bound sailor (over dramatic?). Well a year ago, I finally got one after working multiple jobs and saving like a fiend for several years. It was a 2005 Toyota Prius and anyone who knows me knew that I desperately wanted one. I finally was able to buy one outright only to end up selling it a year later to go on this trip. Don't get me wrong, a car is just a material possession and is nowhere near as important as the experience I am about to have. My car was a casualty I was glad to have made in the process to travel abroad to Germany. Memories and experiences like the ones I am about to have are what enrich your life...not things like cars and technology toys.
Side note. I should seriously consider becoming a used car salesman. I sold my 2005 Prius for $2,100 MORE than what I paid for it when I bought it over a year ago and I put no money into it besides oil changes and new brake pads.. This does not mean that I took anyone for a ride (pun intended), however. That car was in perfect condition and was worth every penny. I sold it for less than what Kelly Blue Book quoted it at. The reason I was able to make a profit was not necessarily in how I sold the car. It had more to do with how I bought the car. I had test driven the car in 2010 after it had been on the dealer's lot for several months. They wanted to make a sale I was not going give in to them unless they agreed to the price I was willing to pay for it. I was a hard ass and ended up leaving with the deal of the century (seriously though).
Me saying goodbye to my lovely car for the last time. |
There are also other sacrifices associated with a year abroad. I am going to miss out on a year of my family and friends' life. A year of birthdays, Christmas, New Year's, and other special occasions. My brother also just had a baby girl which makes me a brand new uncle and godfather. I am going to miss out on the first year of her life. When I come back she is no longer going to be a baby. She will be a toddler. My brother eased the worry a bit when he told me not to feel bad because I was making myself into someone his daughter would be proud to call her uncle. That was very touching and hopefully true in the coming years.
You left out your biggest sacrifice of all. Leaving your one and only bestest friend and soulmate. This is going to be a trip of a lifetime for you - but not one moment will go by that I won't be missing you. You know why?? Cuz everything I do, I do it for you.
Clay Bay-Bay,
I love the picture so much. Also I miss you. Also I may be going nearby Magdeburg sometime soon with my tutor...I don't really know when because he slurs when he talks a lot. But I miss you. I said that twice....because it's worth repeating.
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