Sunday, December 4, 2011

Berlin Trip #2

Yes. We are already on Berlin Trip #2. No eye infections or Michael Jackson hotspots to speak of in this one though. This one was more laid back. Since I live so close to Berlin, I have the luxury of deciding last minute to go to Berlin. So that is what I did. I really only had one thing that I really wanted to do while in Berlin and that was to go to the Berlin Zoo. When I arrived on Saturday morning, me and the other participants I met there went straight from the train station to this restaurant that served authentic Peruvian food. It was very delicious. I also got to try this drink called Inca Cola. It was like fizzy juice. It smelled like bubble gum and I was told it had pineapple juice in it. Whatever it was, it was delicious.
Me and my Inca Cola.
Sometimes, you find yourself doing the same things abroad as you would do if you were in the states. After some delicious Peruvian food, we went back to the apartment of one of the other participants and made brownies (I didn't really help) and watched 4 Christmases. We laughed very hard and ate some delicious brownies.

The next day, we went to the Berlin Zoo. It was very nice. They had advertisements for pandas but none were to be found. There were plenty of other animals though. I also got to see some infamous polar bears. You may have heard of this already but back in 2009 a crazy woman decided it was a good idea to jump into the polar bear exhibit at the Berlin Zoo DURING FEEDING TIME. Not a good idea. She was lucky to get out alive and was cited for trespassing (that part is kind of funny). The video below shows what happens...don't worry it doesn't get gruesome. I just still can't imagine why she would think this was a good idea.
So yeah, we got to see these polar bears. We also got to see many other animals. It was so neat to see these animals while seeing and hearing the big city just outside of the zoo gates.
Momma and baby.
Boy from the badger state next to a badger fountain...seems fitting. 
They were very large and reminded me of the mean bird from know the one. The mean one who stole the game board. Yeah that one!
Germany as a whole is obsessed with bears but Berlin takes it to another level.
Feeding time!
This could be one of the bears that almost ate that crazy lady. Can I have your autograph?
An asian black bear.
By the time we were done at the zoo it was time to find some food. So where do you go for food when you are hungry and in Germany? To a sixties America themed restaurant of course. So on the street named Clayalle, there is this sixties themed restaurant where you can get typical American food. There is also a huge mural on the wall of American celebrities. I got a BLT which tasted just like it should but instead of mayo they use this weird sauce that I can only compare to hollandaise sauce. It doesn't ruin the BLT but just makes it taste a little "off". We also found bubble tea on the way back to the apartment. I had heard of it before. I guess it is gaining popularity all over but I have never seen it in Wisconsin so I was very excited to find it. It is tea with little gelatin bubbles filled with fruit puree. When you bite down on them, they pop. There are also tapioca bubbles to choose from which do not pop but simply provide something to chew on. Very fun, novelty drink.

1 comment:

kaitlingrace said...

I'm loving all these BEARS - can't wait!! Maybe I'll re-enact that video, seems like something I would do...