Sunday, December 4, 2011

Movember 2011

Many of you may have heard of No-Shave-November (aka Movember). It is when guys (or even girls) stop shaving during the month of November. It is to raise awareness and funds for cancers that affect men, specifically prostate cancer. Some of you may have noticed that I was looking a bit scruffy in some of the pictures on this blog. That's because I participated in Movember this year. I usually shave every day so it was no easy task to go without shaving for a whole month. My beard was itchy and I had to eat carefully as not to get it dirty. Haha an extremely hard experience I know. There are much worse things in life than growing a beard. The reason people go without shaving for this charity is so that people can strike up conversations about the charity. You see me getting scruffy, you ask why, and I tell you about this charity. We also sprout facial hair to "change the face of men's health". Anyway, I did register with so that I could raise money for prostate cancer research. If you are reading this post and you got some change in your pocket, won't you please donate to my page. Even $5 helps and that is the cost of your morning coffee. November is over yes, but is still accepting donations so it is not too late. Be a part of the fight against cancer. Use this link ( to get directly to my personal page to donate. Also, enjoy the before and after photos below.
Before No-Shave-November
After No-Shave-November

1 comment:

kaitlingrace said...

You look SO good with a beard. In the words of our good friend Ke$ha, "I like your beard."