My name is Clayton Wollner. I am 23 years old and live in West Bend, Wisconsin. I am currently studying Biology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. I just finished up my fourth year of college and have one more year to go once I return from Germany. I am none too thrilled that I am going to be a fifth year graduate but am excited to earn my degree nonetheless. I am both so nervous and so excited to live in Germany for a year. I have never left the country and am now going to be leaving it for a year! Talk about hitting the ground running! I hope that I can make this blog fun and informative. Feel free to give me advice on how I can make it better. Post a comment or email me at I am open for suggestions. And oh yeah, follow me on!
A little explanation of the title of the blog "Clayton Aus and About". "Aus" means "out" in German so the title means "Clayton Out and About". I wanted a mix a German and English in the title because that is the hallmark trait of a person abroad...speaking a mix of their native language and the language of their new home. The blog will definitely be a story of my adventures of of being out and about in Germany!
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