Monday, September 12, 2011

Randoms #1

Some experiences just don't have the plot or excitement that would require they have their own blog post. Blog posts don't just grow on trees you know! I will, more than likely, have a couple more posts like this one throughout the year that group a bunch of random experiences together.

So one of the other CBYXers in Radolfzell lives in a nearby village called Markelfingen. It is about 1 hour by foot or 5 minutes by train.
So Markelfingen is pretty's not nice but it is the truth. But we were walking around and found a cat with only 3 legs!!!! Sad...but this cat was cute and it totally owned its three-leggednes. I didn't even notice it was missing a leg for the first 5 minute since it walks so well. It would come up to us and brush up against our legs. It was so friendly and treated us like it knew us its whole life. There is a photo of the cat below but you can't tell it has only 3 hides it well.

On to the next mini "post." I love that you can walk around in Germany and find the same weird things in Germany that you can find in the USA. People trying to part ways with their old hub caps for cash and the like. I ran across this awesome "beware of dog" sign the other day. It is just like ones from the US...but WAY BETTER because it is in German! See below.
It reads "I am always hungry. Enter at own risk!" Oh that silly Molly.

And then we come to the last mini "post." We have two daily pauses during our language courses here in Radolfzell. The first one is 30 minutes and the second is for lunch and is 1 hour 15 minutes. We act kind of silly during these breaks since our brains are buzzing with German words. When you cram that much knowledge into someone's brain in 4 1/2 hours, a little sanity is bound to fall out. And here is the outcome. Yes, I am wearing a silly paper hat made out of a German magazine...and proud of it!

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