Sunday, September 11, 2011


To the untrained eye, the word "Affenberg" can seem pretty normal...but to someone who knows a little bit of German it means Monkey Mountain! What a wonderful place this is. I currently live in Radolfzell. It takes about an hour by train to get to this little town called Salem. It is a quiet little town and, seemingly, uninteresting. If you hop on a bus, however, you are taken to the country side and to the entrance of a little nature park. You pay 7 € as a student for admission. The park is full of all kinds of wildlife like swans, storks, deer, and some very large fish in the pond.

Once you walk through the first part of the park, you come to another gate. Once through this gate you walk a hill a ways and are greeted by staff with a basket full of popcorn and you grab a handful. I'm not gonna lie. I had some. It tasted pretty good. You walk a little more and then you see them. Monkeys! The path is lined by a wooden rail and they come up to the rail, sit on it, and wait for you to give them popcorn. That's probably why the park chooses to use popcorn. It is mostly air and probably doesn't fill the monkeys up too much. They are not aggressive but the employees do tell you not to bother babies (so as not to incur the wrath of momma). I got some awesome pictures!

They got a little rowdy here!
This one was so docile.
He's so excited!

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