Monday, August 29, 2011

Ritter Sport

I have died and gone to heaven! Germany has the best selection of Ritter Sport! There are like a bagillion different varieties and they are sold everywhere! I loooove it. The best thing, too, is that they come in these little squares that you can buy in variety packs at the store so that you can try a ton of different kinds without having to eat too much chocolate. My favorite is probably Pfirich-Maracuja Joghurt which is white chocolate with a peach-passion fruit yogurt inside. I think everyone in the program (myself included) has had at least one piece of chocolate a day since arriving in Germany. At any given moment one can ask, "Does anyone have some chocolate on them" and at least one person does! Love Germany for this and many other reasons.

**Update since returning to the states. You can find Ritter Sport in various places in the states. Higher end grocery stores tend to carry it as well as Walgreens. My favorite place to get it is Trader Joe's. They don't have a huge selection of it but they have the cheapest price.**

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