Okay, so I actually went to Oktoberfest the weekend of the 17th of September but I was really getting behind on my posts so I am playing catch-up now. Many people don't know this but many German cities have their own little "Oktoberfest" during Oktoberfest season (September) but the real one is in München. Me and the other CBYXers went to München Oktoberfest (the "real" one). Our journey bagan in Radolfzell around 8 am and we didn't get to München until after 2. The journey is noramlly pretty long but it was made even longer because the Bodensee has a jail/rehab facility near the train tracks and people often throw themselves onto the train tracks. I was really shocked when I first heard this but it happened multiple times during my stay in Radolfzell. So, as a result, our journey started much later than anticipated and we arrived much later in München than we thought. When we got to Oktoberfest, we wasted no time. We found a "tent" that interested us and waited to get in. Okay, so they have "tents" at Oktoberfest in Germany but they really are what I would call "barns." They are huge wooden buildings. I don't know how many there are in Oktobrfest since we occupied the first tent we could find. The name of our "tent" was probably "Augustiner Bräu München" since that was what was plastered everywhere. The tents are really warm and humid inside from all the bodies so I was really happy to find out we got a table outside. It was so much more fun. Once we had a table, we just sat and drank beer for a couple of hours. It was so much fun. We met people from England, the Netherlands, America, and of course Germany. At around 9 pm it started to downpour. I mean really downpour. I consider myself a pretty prepared person and I had my umbrella with...but my umbrella was no match for this rain. I was completely nass (wet) by the end of the storm. So me and my friends missed our last train home to Radolfzell so we knew we weren't going to be sleeping in our nice warm beds that night. We did, however, opt to take a train to somewhere a bit closer to Radolfzell called Lindau. That way we were away from all the crazy, drunk people. So we spent hours on a train just to get to another city that we didn't live in. We flarfed around Lindau for something like 5 hours feeling tired as heck, waiting for our first train home. Some of my friends took naps in the train station but I have never been able to sleep in strange places so I got no sleep that night. By 6 am the next day we were on a train to Radolfzell and we all slept the whole day when we got home. My time at Oktoberfest was a bit short but I definitely had fun and hope to return for a weekend in the future. Honestly, there could have been no beer there at all and Oktoberfest would still have been tons of fun. I must say though, I never drink beer in the USA but there is just something about this German beer. It is so lecker (delicious)! Oh yeah, I also went to the Oktoberfest in Konstanz near Radolfzell this past Wednesday September 28th. I got no real photos though so please enjoy the ones from the "real" Oktoberfest."
An Oktoberfest "tent" |

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