Okay. This post was way overdue but, theoretically, I couldn't post it until early October since this post is all about the beauty of Radolfzell and, trust me, it takes two full months to capture the beauty of Radolfzell. Not much to say about Radolfzell other than the fact that it is awesome! It is nestled right on the Bodensee (the largest lake in Germany) and is close enough to make day trips to a number of really great places (Ulm, Münich, Heidelberg, Stuttgart) and it is dangerously near the Swiss border. As much as I terribly miss this place, I realize that going back would not be the same. The 17 other CBYX participants that made it such a special place for me are not there anymore. Nevertheless, I would like to return someday to take a stroll through the Stadtgarten and Altstadt. I learned a lot there (some of it pertaining to Germany...some of it not). Anyway, no amount of words could do this place justice so I will just comment on the plethora of pictures I have put in this post. Enjoy!
Our beloved Bodensee swans. momma and baby. Also that statue was kind of
cool as well. When we got to Radolfzell, the guy's face was all you could see
and when we left you could see his entire body as the water level decreased. |
I swear the bells form our church went off every 5 minutes, but it was welcomed. This was also where the farmer's market and most other events that Radolfzell had were held. |
A fountain of Bishop Radolf of Verona, founder of Radolfzell. I owe him big time! |
This is what I got to walk through every time I went to the train station...which was very often. |
This photo and the photo directly above and the 5 photos below are of the Radolfzell city garden. It used to be the mote to the city but, when it was expanded, the mote was turned into a garden. Natürlich! The wall on the left side of the picture is the old city Mauer. |
This city is so beautiful, it makes me look good! |
This is my beloved Carl-Duisberg Centren as seen from my equally beloved Stadtgarten. |
The street I lived on. I lived about 200 feet from where this was taken. |
This is the Stadtmuseum (city museum) where my host mom worked. Because of this, my host family's house was filled with old pictures of Radolfzell that I got to look at every day. Me and some other CBYXers also took the official tour through this place which also used to be the city's Apotheke (apothecary). |
Ahhhhhh. What is there to say about Radolfzell's train station. Almost every memorable adventure we went on began on those very steps. "Nächste Halt Radolfzell". |
This tower is also a part of the original city wall. As soon as you walked through that little doorway, you were officially in Altstadt Radolfzell. |
To the untrained eye, this looks like a seemingly ordinary scene...but to the Radolfzell CBYX eye this was where we went almost every day between and after classes. we would buy something at Kaufland (which is just outside the picture) or Koch (spelled with a pretzel as an "o" apparently) and sit by this little fountain. We always wondered where the water came from but we can only assume it came from the Bodensee. |
Another photo of my Stadtgarten. The the left is the old city wall. |
This was not a rare occurrence in Radolfzell. This was what most of the nights on the Bodensee looked like. |
Yes. Yes of course the Stadtgarten had fish in the pond. Why wouldn't it? |
In closing, I would like to say, please remember me Radolfzell. You will always have a place in my heart.
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