Sunday, August 14, 2011

Stein am Rhein

So, sometimes CDC (my language school) doesn't publicize their excursions well enough and I almost missed this one which would have been a shame. It was a trip to this city called Stein am Rhein. It is in Switzerland and, as the name indicates, is situated right on the Rhein river. The town is very small. Like, really small but it is so beautiful. All the buildings have writings or murals of some sort on them. Their sewer covers even have beautiful artwork on them. It's just amazing. There is also a fountain in the center of the city that has water coming out of it that is clean enough to drink.

We only had like 2 1/2 hours in the city but it was really nice. we walked to this island that had this really old cloister on it. It was gorgeous and had a labyrinth on the grounds. It was a place where people could just sit, relax, and take in the fresh air. I have never in my life seen so many swans in one place at one time! It really was magical!

The Cloister
Schwäne (swans)
Mehr Schwäne (more swans)
The water is unbelievable clear in the Rhein. I wanted to jump in!
I got a couple more pictures from afar of Stein am Rhein.
Stein am Rhein

1 comment:

kaitlingrace said...

Ok fine...we can move there...